Q3 Final Rookie Mentor Report Form FY25
School District Name
Parent Mentor's Supervisor's Name
First Name
Last Name
Parent Mentor's Supervisor's Email
Parent Mentor's Name
First Name
Last Name
Parent Mentor's Email
2nd Parent Mentor's Name (if applicable)
First Name
Last Name
Email for second Parent Mentor (if applicable)
Parent Mentor Partnership Region
1. After you determined your district's guidelines for communicating with families, give an example of how implementing these guidelines was helpful for connecting to families, communicating with staff and collaborating with community partners.
2. Which of these methods of communication did you use to stay connected to families and partners during this school year?
In person
Text messaging
Social media
3. Tell us about a time you shared your elevator speech with someone and the results of that conversation. Was it helpful to have a prepared introduction?
4. Tell us about a partner you collaborated with this year to accomplish the work you planned. How were they helpful?
5. How many target families did you impact this year?
5 +
6. How many target students did you impact this year?
5 +
Building Capacity
Building capacity is the process of developing strength and sustainability for our work. It begins with building a strong foundation and cultivating strategic relationships. Also important is our ability to measure our effectiveness and the impact we are making on our families. Examples: Improving communication, Information sharing, Improving engagement of volunteers and partners, Shared leadership, Effective use of media outlets, Identifying, utilizing and sharing data outcomes.
7. Based on the definition above, did you build capacity this year as you addressed the concerns and needs of families?
8. Describe what you did to build capacity. How will it lead to long-term impact?
9. Did 100% of your target families complete the Pre and Post Family Survey?
10. If you answered No to the above question, tell us why not.
11. This year as you listened to feedback from families, reviewed their survey responses, or observed them implementing the actions/vital behaviors you taught them, how did you and your partners address the concerns or needs that were brought to your attention?
12. List the two Learning Targets you used this year.
13. As a result of your training, did 100% of families learn what you intended?
14. Describe (include details) how your families worked on building their communication skills with school staff or community partners.
15. Describe (include details) how your families worked on building partnerships with school staff or community partners.
16. What student achievement outcomes did you expect to see based on the training you provided families and the actions/vital behaviors you supported them in doing?
17. Provide any data you have to support that students were impacted by the vital behaviors the families completed. Use a number or % for this answer.
18. How did you collect your student outcome data? Include details such as the source of the data and who you partnered with to obtain the data. example: School reports, informal data collection, teacher reported, etc.
National Standards for Family Engagement
The 6 standards are: Welcoming, Communicating Effectively, Supporting Student Success, Empowering Families, Sharing Leadership, Collaborating with Family and Community. www.pta.org
Reference: National Standards
19. Describe ways (include details) you are embedding the 6 standards of family engagement in your work.
Leading by Convening (LbC) Framework
This framework helps us think about our Depth of Interaction. The 4 levels of interaction: Informing, Networking, Collaborating, Transforming
Reference: Leading By Convening Book
Leading By Convening Book download wested.ent.box.com/s/y8qy4pzkuwhmvgynnac9b9r37w5uptks
20. Give examples of the Depth of Interaction (Informing, Networking, Collaborating, Transforming) you observed in your work.
21. Is there additional information that you would like to share about your family engagement work?
22. How can we support you with your work?
Include any supporting documents you would like to share (optional)
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Thank you for supporting Georgia families. You are amazing!
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