Q2 Traditional FE Reporting Form FY25
School District Name
Region Name
Please Select
Parent Mentor's Name
First Name
Last Name
Parent Mentor's email
2nd Parent Mentor (if applicable)
First Name
Last Name
2nd Parent Mentor's email (if applicable)
Evidence-based Guides
The National PTA standards for family engagement and the Leading by Convening blueprint are the guidelines/vocabulary of authentic family engagement. As we implement and monitor our plan in action, we are highlighting how we embed the PTA standards and the Leading by Convening frameworks. Consider how your work is connected to each.
National PTA Standards
Describe ways you are embedding the 6 standards of family engagement into your work
6 Standards: Welcoming, Communicating effectively, Supporting Student Success, Empowering Families, Sharing Leadership, Collaborating with Family and Community
Leading by Convening (LbC) Framework
Give examples of the Depth of Interaction (of the target group families) you observed in your work.
Depths of Interaction: Informing, Networking, Collaborating, Transforming
Updates to your targeted work.
Perhaps you have involved new partners, changed learning targets due to parent needs, changed your target group.
Have you made any changes to your targeted work since your October 15th submission?
If your answered "Yes" to the previous question, describe the changes and the reason for the changes.
Share an example of an elevator speech you use to introduce yourself
Learning Targets- One of the primary roles of parent mentors is to inform others. In order to ensure families are learning what we intend, we use learning targets as a measure. What is your learning target #1?
What is your learning target #2?
Benchmark Data: Did you meet your first benchmark goal for the vital behavior? (Did 50% of the families in your target group do 20% of what you trained them to do)
Have you collected your second benchmark data for the vital behaviors?
If you answered "Yes" to the previous question, did you meet your second benchmark goal for the vital behavior? (Did 50% of the families in your target group do 40% of what you trained them to do)
I answered "No" to the previous question
What are you working on as your primary initiative?
Improved Academics, Behavior, Attendance
Self-determination/IEP participation
Improved Post-secondary Outcomes
What is your plan for how you will collect the student outcome data? How is that outcome data linked to the vital behaviors?
Where will the student outcome data come from? (The source could be informal questioning, survey or standardized data collection.)
Parent Mentor
District Partner
District Report
Community Partner
Is there any additional information you would like to share at this time? (Success stories or obstacles)
Should be Empty: